ABOUT stampittrust
The establishment of Stampit happened amidst uncertainty during the days of Pandemic that hit many globally.The first lockdown in the country (March 2020) changed lives of multitude.
Responding to the need of the hour, a group of school friends started Team7C and helped around 550 families of unreached areas in 7 different districts of Karnataka.
That unplanned program became the initiative to begin with Stampit Charitable Trust, registered in the year 2021.
Food Faith and Freedom as we believe, is most needed for any life and also Life is best at the end of comfort zone. This phase enables us to learn and better understand every purpose and act. Stampit is moving forward with steps and efforts to create much peaceful world around.
STAMPIT CHARITABLE TRUST is established and spreading wings among the needy in rural and urban areas of the Karnataka state and aims to reach larger group. The organization declares its work as NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION/NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION and the organization registered under section 12A of Income Tax Act, 1961, Government of India in the year 2023 and the organization also registered under the Indian Registration Act of 1882, Government of Karnataka, India in 2023-24.